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Thursday, March 29, 2007


The Secret About Fashion And You - Why Buy New When The Old Will Do

What does the word trendy mean in relation to fashion? Well simply answered, trendy means more up to date with what clothes/Jewelry you wear, more so than that of the person who chooses to snub in adorning themselves in latest fashion gear. In a nutshell: if dressed from head to toe in new designs from Paris, Italy or London along with jewellery pieces of recent design - then you may be referred to by an onlooker as being trendy.
However, keeping up with what is in fashion can leave you penniless because, most trendy designer labels come with a price tag that a fashion manic can ill afford. However, it is the uncontrollable urge to have those trendy clothes that hang on a boutique rail in the high street - that has you "the consumer" ignoring the warning signs of going overdrawn with your bank.
To overcome this and still have money in your pocket is to set your own trend or style. Become a trend setter in your own right. Personalize those outfits hanging in the wardrobe collecting dust. Why buy new when the old will do. Think about it e.g. if you have garments hanging in the closet after a lengthy period of time is enough to tell you, that you are still attached to that little number (dress or frock). If you feel the garment is past its sell by date (stale) then refresh it. (Wash or dry clean). Clothing is easily altered to appear fashionable and trendy
Colour coded material and accessories is, the key to what fashion is all about, but more importantly "you", meaning: if you dislike the new updates on style, don`t wear them. Remember no one is out to pass judgement on the clothes you wear, however in saying that, if you follow designer fashion traits which do not compliment your shape or size then you may be faced with the possibility on being judged for looking hideous. (Fashion Freak)
Remember in the world of fashion "What goes around comes around" For example: your clothes hanging in the cupboard were once trendy garments bearing a designer label at the time of purchase, so more the reason to take advantage - before repeat designs from the 1960s are created for the twentieth century at a price you can ill afford.
Make the shawl trendy and fashionable.
A shawl/shoulder wrap can liven up a plain sleeveless dress secured with a brooch/ornamental jewellery pin. Elbow draped shawls can be kept in place over the arms with bangles or bracelets. Concentrate on the shawl - and to where the jewellery clasp is to rest. (Nape of the neck - on the shoulder or clipped at the front) Personal preference prevails here. Two shawls (of light material) interwoven together in different shades is fashionable and trendy. You can always remove one shoulder wrap leaving you with what would appear to onlookers or admirers as another outfit. .Carry extra pieces of Jewelry in your handbag to claim yet another image.
Be creative in thought, creativity results in trendy fashion gear. Make sure to jot down your ideas and conjure up images in your head and work from there. Low cut dresses can be smartened up with trendy fashionable neck decorations, i.e. shoe laces which come in different colours size and length, tie them in thin bows - plait them or even thread beads or pearls onto them. You can match the neckwear you have designed with wrist/ankle tie ups. This is more cost affective than buying expensive ribbons or chokers.
The true feminine look in trendy fashion gear is the presence of head wear (Millinery hats). Save money: remove a shoulder pad from an old dress or jacket and cover in material of your choosing. Lace is a fine choice. Weave pearls, beads or buttons in and out of the lace or loop them around the edge. Sequins work well to. Have the lace cover the eyes or scrunch/fold it up on top of the padding. Take your time and you will be surprised at the result. Secure with hair grips.
Regardless of what you wear, whether it is new trendy fashion gear or not, your own choice will leave you feeling like a million dollars. Fashion is about you; remember those famous words "It suits the wearer not the starer". Now go out and knock them dead with your very own trend and let them stare all they want. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Let the beholder be YOU


The Easiest Way To Wavy Hair

Go from stringy to sexy in a fraction of the time. Every person I know who wants to have wavy hair goes about it the same way. They use a ton a styling products mouse, gel, hairspray ect., flip there head over and scrunch like a maniac while trying to blast their hair with a blow-dryer at the same time. If not done right the result is a frizzy mess that takes just about as long as it would have if they had just blow dried their hair straight. The easiest way to create gorgeous waves without the hassle is to first towel dry your hair (do not skip this step). Then apply a volumizing mousse all over damp hair (you can do a quick all over scrunch if you’d like but it’s not necessary.)
Then here's the real secret, instead of going crazy with a dryer, take roller clamps, also nick named jaw clips (they can be bought by the dozen at Sally’s for about three dollars) and grab random two-inch sections of hair, scrunch and twist into a messy ball and secure with a clip, repeat all over until every section of hair is clipped.
This gives a better result for two reasons:
1. the clips are applying constant pressure to the same spots. As a result they leave a more definite wave then your hands could ever could because it would be impossible for your hands to scrunch the same spot over and over, which is why you may see that your hair comes out more stringy then wavy.
2. It minimizes the amount of time your hands spend touching your hair. I bet you didn’t realize that the more you touch your hair the frizzier it becomes. I recommend doing this right out of the shower so the clips can sit on your head while you finish getting ready. After about twenty minutes they are all set to come out. Before you take them out, blast them with the dyer for about 5 minutes (optional.) To give hair more of a defined wave clip smaller sections and for less wave and more body clip larger sections.
Love the way your hair looks after a hot roller set but hate fighting with the rollers to stay in your hair?? Well the roller clips that I mentioned in the previous tip work wonders for securing your rollers. Once these clips are on your roller, it will not move until you unclip it. These clips will give you the strongest roller set ever


How To Give Yourself A Self-Tan Without Looking Like A Freak Show

Before you can learn the correct way to apply a sunless tan, it is essential for you to start with a great product.
Neutrogena Instant Bronze Foam- Sunless Tanner and Bronzer in One is the way to go. This can be purchased at your local drugstore for about $6-7 dollars. This foam is a light mousse which is great for spreading and blending and even better you can actually see it instantly on your skin so you never have to guess if you missed a spot. Now here’s the real secret: how to apply it. Go to your local paint store and buy a couple of foam paintbrushes, (they are usually under a dollar.) I also recommend buying a couple of different sizes, at least one big one and one tiny one. Now apply at little bit, and I do stress a little bit of the tanning foam on to your skin and use the brush to literally paint it on. (When you think you’ve used up all of the foam on your brush, press even harder and you’ll be able to spread a little more and by doing that you are erasing any trace of the slightest line)
The whole application process takes about 15-20 minutes (I recommend having a friend help you apply it to your back) You should also add in an additional 5 minutes or so to the process to allow for drying time. It is extremely easy to do and will last for 5-7 days.
Note: I would recommend that you exfoliate your skin first. This will help to ensure that your skin will be smooth and take the color better.


Lazer Hair Removal Guide

If you are interested in lazer hair removal as a method of permanent hair removal then this lazer hair removal guide will explain in detail everything you need to know about the laser hair removal treatment and what is involved.
What Is Lazer Hair Removal?
A laser hair removal treatment uses laser light to remove unwanted hair. This process involves and intense, pulsating beam of light heating up the hair follicle and rendering it inactive. Multiple treatments may be required before permanent hair removal is achieved and almost all areas of the body including the upper lip, neck, chest, back, underarms, and legs can be treated.
Preparing For Lazer Hair Removal
If you have decided to use lazer hair removal to remove unwanted body hair then the first step is your consultation. This is carried out by an experienced dermatologist who has been trained in lazer hair removal. During your consultation your skin will be assessed to ensure that it is suitable for a laser hair removal treatment and you may also be asked about your medical history. The risks and benefits of a laser hair removal treatment will also be explained to you in detail to ensure that you are fully aware of what is involved. You may asked to cease taking some medications and if you have been exposed to the sun and have a tanned complexion you may have to wait until your tan has completely faded before lazer hair removal can be carried out.
Two to three days before your laser hair removal treatment you will be required to shave the area to be treated. This is due to the fact that lazer hair removal is only effective on short but visible hair.
How Lazer Hair Removal Is Carried Out
As previously mentioned a laser hair removal treatment uses lasers to heat hair follicles and render them inactive. One treatment can affect thousands of hairs but because hair grows in different stages multiple treatments may be necessary. Lazer hair removal only affects hairs that are in the active growth stage and this is why a number of treatments may be necessary. Throughout your laser hair removal treatment your Doctor will press a hand held laser to your skin which will be activated for a fraction of a second in order to heat the follicles. This process has been proven to be safe and effective and many of today's lasers have been fitted with cooling devices to minimize any skin damage that may occur during permanent hair removal.


Sedu Tourmaline Hair Straightener - Meeting the Needs Of Any Woman

The sedu tourmaline hair straightener has been designed to meet the needs of any woman no matter what the length of their hair.
Being female may have many perks but there are also the downsides too and that includes keeping your hair looking and feeling great whilst still keeping up with the latest fashion trends. For this season that means sleek straight looking hair and the use of a ceramic flat hair iron. The sedu tourmaline hair straightener is one of the best hair straighteners for this. Not only does the sedu tourmaline hair straightener allow you to achieve excellent hairstyles but it also helps to protect your hair too.
Whether your hair is long or short the sedu tourmaline hair straightener can meet all your needs. Using state of the art technology this ceramic flat hair iron really is every woman's number one choice and is also the favorite among celebrities including Jennifer Aniston.
How The Sedu Tourmaline Hair Straightener Works
For any women out there who has ever purchased or used a ceramic hair straightening iron you will be amazing at how easy the sedu tourmaline hair straightener makes styling your hair. This ceramic flat hair iron comes with so excellent features and also guarantees to minimize hair damage.
Unlike the ordinary ceramic hair straightening iron the sedu flat iron comes with ultra smooth plates that straighten your hair without pulling or breaking your hair in the process. The sedu flat iron uses tourmaline on its plates to generate negative ions that straighten the hair and eliminate frizz in the process. Using negative ions also helps to add more shine to your hair and speeds up the straightening process. The use of infra red heat technology in this ceramic flat hair iron helps to seal in the hairs moisture almost eliminating any possible hair damage.


Minimizing Breast Implant Complications and Detection

Breast augmentation with implants is the most popular and sought after cosmetic surgery available today. This is because the results of a successful procedure don’t just have the power to transform a patient’s body, but her self-confidence and quality of life as well. However, if you select an inexperienced or unqualified cosmetic surgeon, you may end up with unnatural looking breasts or recovery complications that can change your breast implant experience from an exciting, positive one to a difficult and painful one.
To ensure you are selecting the right cosmetic surgeon and that he or she is able is to achieve the best results possible, you should refer to the information and tips below when speaking with your cosmetic surgeon about the breast augmentation procedure and how to minimize complications and detection.
The Components of a Thorough Consultation
Once you’ve narrowed your cosmetic surgeon search down to one or two individuals, you need to schedule an initial consultation and come prepared. This is important because a thorough consultation can tell you if you’re in the right hands. You should bring along a list of the specific questions you’d like to ask as well as a sample photo of the breast size and shape you would like to achieve with the surgery.
One of the most important aspects of your consultation should be a detailed breast exam. In order for your cosmetic surgeon to recommend the best type of implant, placement and initial technique for your surgery, he or she will need to carefully evaluate your natural breasts. You will know if your surgeon is doing a thorough job of this if he or she is taking detailed measurements of breast volume and width, shape and nipple positioning, and the width between breasts. If your cosmetic surgeon doesn’t gather this important information during your consultation, it should be cause for concern.
Limiting Complications and Pitfalls - Strategies to Discuss With Your Surgeon
There are a number of steps that can be taken to make sure your breast implant surgery is as successful as possible. The following is a summary of the most commonly reported complications and telltale signs of surgery you want to avoid. Before you schedule your surgery, you should ask your cosmetic surgeon how he or she is going to address these issues to help ensure that you have the most positive experience and results possible.
Post Surgery Infection: Your cosmetic surgeon should have a detailed strategy for ensuring you do not contract an infection as a result of your surgery. Most surgeons will administer an antibiotic for you to take right before surgery as a precautionary measure. In addition, the instruments and implant used should be carefully sterilized in an autoclave.
Deflation and Rippling: Deflation and rippling are embarrassing telltale signs of breast implant surgery. There are several strategies for avoiding these pitfalls, the most common of which is overfilling your implants and selecting implant models that are smooth in texture.


Best Anti Cellulite Cream - Is it Body Shape By Hydroderm?

Cellulite affects millions of women worldwide and men are not immune to the condition. We may not understand the technical process that causes cellulite, but most of us are all too aware of the end results. The spongy, dimpled skin is a major cause of concern in our beauty obsessed world. We may enjoy eating oranges, but we certainly don’t want our skin to look like one! Fortunately, the beauty industry is determined to provide us with ways to combat this embarrassing condition.
Cellulite reducers are creams or lotions used to fight the problem by hydrating and restoring the skin from the inside out. Companies include active ingredients such as aloe vera, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins B, C & E, grape seed, lecithin and many others. If you maintain a faithful daily regimen of applying one of these products, you may notice a visible difference in your skin within a few weeks or months. For example, Hydroderm produces a cellulite reducer called Body Shape. The company claims that continued use will improve the texture of the skin. The cream will also tone the problem areas that can’t be improved by diet and exercise alone. You have to bear in mind that these are only temporary changes; results will stop once you discontinue using the products.
Cellulite reducers are also available in the form of massage treatments. Many beauty salons offer various forms of massage which increase circulation and stimulate the circulatory and lymphatic systems. These treatments will not only feel good, they may aid in the prevention and reduction of cellulite. If you can’t afford an expensive professional massage, you can start to brush your skin daily and give yourself mini massages. These will also help to restore the appearance of your skin and reduce the wrinkling and dimpling associated with cellulite.
Although there is no permanent cure for this condition, many of the cellulite reducers available will do exactly what their title suggests – reduce cellulite! Try using a cream for a few weeks or splurge on a relaxing professional massage. Either way, you will be doing your part to fight this universal problem


Making aAn Informed Decision About Breast Augmentation or Enlargement

Your cosmetic surgeon will of course give you information on these subjects, and make recommendations after he has examined you. The decisions are best made by both you and your cosmetic surgeon together.
Am I a good candidate?
Do you want breast augmentation to please and satisfy yourself? If you want it to please somebody else, it would be best to hold off until you work through the issues around wanting to please that person. Having larger breasts does not change you as a person (although it can give you more physical confidence). Nor does it make you better liked or give you a more active social life.
However, if you’re sure that larger breasts will increase your own self-esteem, regardless of anyone else’s opinions, that is a good reason for doing it. If you have lost breast tissue after pregnancy, or if you’ve been disappointed with your natural development through the teen years, or if you’d like to have more equally sized breasts, you’ll be one of a large group of women who enjoy the benefits of this procedure.
Choosing an implant size
It’s nice to have a breast size that makes it easy to find clothes that fit well, and that complements the rest of your body shape. To achieve that, a large implant is probably not necessary. If you allow photos of movie stars and models to push you into choosing too large an implant size, know that there could be some disadvantages:
· You may be uncomfortable sleeping on your stomach
· You may need extra support, especially for physical activity
· You’ll be carrying extra weight and your muscles may need to adjust
· You may be uncomfortable about attention from unappealing men
· You may encounter envy from some other women
“Choosing the implant size is best done as a joint decision,” explains cosmetic surgeon Dr. Adrian Lo in Philadelphia, PA. “You tell me what you’d like, and I’ll make some measurements, give you suggestions, and together we can come to the best decision.”
The size of a breast implant represents the difference between the size you start out with, and the size you end up with. Implants come in volume sizes, (ounces of fill, or cubic centimeters), not in the familiar alphabetical sizes of bras. If you are currently a 34A size and would like to be 34C, you’ll need a larger size implant than would a woman who starts off at 34B.
Implant types
Since November, 2006, when the FDA approved the use of silicone gel implants, there is now a choice which was not available before. The other type of implant is saline (filled with sterile salt water). The two types have a different feel, as silicone gel more closely resembles breast tissue. Also, the silicone gel in these newly-approved implants is cohesive, meaning that it sticks to itself and doesn’t leak. If a saline implant leaks, it isn’t a health problem, as the salt water is easily absorbed by the body.
A saline implant is inserted empty and filled afterwards, so a smaller incision is possible. Implants can have smooth or textured shells, a round or teardrop shape, varying diameters, and a low, medium, or high projection. All these options can be discussed with your cosmetic surgeon.
Implant locations
Implants can be positioned in two ways: beneath the breast tissue but above the pectoral muscle, or beneath both. When they’re above the muscle, depending on how much breast tissue you already have, sometimes the edge of the implant becomes visible. When the implant is beneath the muscle, actually only the top part of it is beneath, and the lower part is beneath the breast tissue only


Liposuction And Plastic Surgery

We are a culture that is focused on beauty and youth – that much is obvious. And in an effort to stay looking our best we are promoted to try all manner of diet and exercise. But when these natural efforts only take us so far, many of us turn to medical intervention – in the form of liposuction and plastic surgery.
Contrary to popular belief, liposuction and plastic surgery are not the same things. Liposuction involves several small incisions made around the surgical site wherein the surgeon inserts a tube that vacuums excess fat deposits from the body. Many people turn to liposuction to remove those trouble spots that don’t respond to diet and exercise enough to achieve a satisfactory result. Plastic surgery involves medical intervention to help eradicate signs of aging – such as a face lift or a nose job. Many people turn to plastic surgery to help turn back the hands of time and achieve a more youthful appearance.
Both liposuction and plastic surgery are extremely popular procedures in this day and age as more and more people go under the knife to correct those areas of their body with which they are dissatisfied. Additionally, both liposuction and plastic surgery are done under the care of licensed surgeons and require anesthesia and recovery time – although the length and discomfort of recovery depends solely on the procedure being performed.
Many people choose to have liposuction and plastic surgery performed at the same time. Having dual procedures performed simultaneously can save some money as surgeons will often offer a price discount in this situation. However, having liposuction and plastic surgery performed together means that you will be under anesthesia for a longer period of time, increasing your risks during surgery. Additionally, the recovery time will be that much longer.
When deciding whether or not to have liposuction and plastic surgery you must examine your expectations against the results you are likely to achieve. Be sure that you working with a reputable surgeon who is vastly experienced in liposuction and plastic surgery; this is not an area in which to cut corners – do your homework by investigating the surgeon’s background and references. Finally, be sure that you are comfortable within the practice and that all of your questions have been adequately and respectfully addressed.
Liposuction and plastic surgery are not procedures to be entered into without careful consideration. Risk is inherent to any surgery so be sure that you have thoroughly examined all the pros and cons before making any decisions.


The Grandeur of Perfume Oils

Perfume oils are used around the world. Essentially, they are concentrated forms of perfume. People have been making fragrances for centuries. Perfume oils just provide a powerful aroma within the convenience of a tiny bottle, perfect for your purse or fashion handbag.
Perfume oil can come in different varieties, ingredient wise. One thing people enjoy the most about these wonderful liquids is the high amount of aromatic compounds. The more aromatic the perfume oil the longer and stronger the scent will be.
Perfume oils provide the highest concentration of aromatic compounds when compared to other fragrance choices. You will find many typical perfume oils contain 20 - 40% of pure aromatic compounds, while a typical cologne carries only 2% - 5%.
It’s clear perfume oil is the best choice for any time you want your fragrance to last after you put it on. It can sometimes be annoying when you spend a lot of money on a perfume and it just doesn’t seem to last for any time at all. With perfume oil this problem is completely eliminated. Not only will the scent generally be stronger depending on what kind of oil you use, but you’ll also be able to actually enjoy it through the day.
When you’re looking to purchase perfume oil it’s always best to get a feel for the selection available to you. There are many different perfumeries across the world that make perfume oil. The ingredients and intensity of the oil can vary from perfume house to perfume house. Try a few to see which one suits you best. The more you try then the closer you will be to that perfect fragrance that you’ve been looking for.
When it comes to ingredients, make sure you check them closely so that you can get an idea of what kind of perfume oil it is. Sometimes the ingredients won’t be shown. In this case, you’ll have to be the judge as to whether you still want to go with it or not. For example, some products have been known to be listed as aromatherapy products but do not have true aromatherapy ingredients.
Perfume oil is the perfect solution for someone who doesn’t want to have to keep re-applying fragrances all the time. The concentrated nature of perfume oil gives it wonderful, long-lasting benefits


Dry Itchy Skin - Get Immediate Relief Naturally

Natural treatments for dry skin are the best choice today rather than harsh chemical treatments. As we age, our skin produces less of the natural oil that helps it retain its moisture.
Our skin has many nerve endings that provide the sense of touch and heat. The epidermis contains no blood vessels, and cells in the deepest layers are nourished by diffusion from blood capillaries extending to the uppermost layers of the dermis. The blood vessels in the dermis provide nourishment and waste removal to its own cells as well as to the epidermis.
Skin gets exposed to the elements, especially in winter, causing it to become drier. Dry skin can also be a sign of an under active thyroid. When the skin loses moisture it may crack and peel, or become irritated and inflamed.
Certain drugs, including diuretics, antispasmodics, and antihistamines, can contribute to dry skin conditions; check with your pharmacist or doctor and read the drug insert - you can get one from your pharmacist. Dry skin happens more often in the winter when the cold air outside and heated air inside cause the humidity to be low. Forced-air furnaces may make skin even drier than it already is too.
Good nutrition from living foods - foods that are alive - will help your skin from the inside out. Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve your skin health and help to prevent acne. Get 20-30 minutes of sunshine daily on your arms and/or legs; sunshine triggers the body's production of Vitamin D3, which is essential to having healthy skin.
Take fewer baths or showers; they'll dry out your skin even more. Cosmetics should be used carefully because they may dry out the skin or cause allergic reactions like contact dermatitis; read the labels. Apply moisturizers just after a bath or shower, when your skin is still damp.
Dry skin contributes to fine lines and wrinkles; coconut oil helps prevent the onset by keeping the skin soft and supple. Coconut oil is very inexpensive - a great, cheap home remedy for all skin conditions. Coconut oil is the best healing, soothing, and moisturizing treatment I've found for dry skin; in fact all types of skin conditions, skin eruptions, pimples, acne, milia, irritations, cuts, burns, fungus, etc.
Use coconut oil to remove your make-up at night, like I do; it leaves a fine layer of oil to nourish your skin all night long; but better yet, apply more coconut oil. Apply coconut oil daily to your skin to heal, moisturize and soothe it.
Skin that's not clean favors the development of pathogenic organisms; the dead cells continually slough off of the epidermis and mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin, to form a layer on its surface. The skin supports its own ecosystem of microorganisms, including yeasts and bacteria, which cannot be removed by any amount of cleaning.
You should see the results with improved skin within a few days following these dry skin tips and suggestions. It's time to call your doctor for an appointment when all your home remedies do not relieve your dryness and itching. Call your skin doctor if dryness and itching are preventing you from sleeping

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Do You Know The Top Homemade Remedies to Beat Your Dry Damaged Hair

When people have problems with their hair, they automatically look for shop bought hair care products, conditioners and treatments. However, did you know that there are some homemade remedies which you can easily create, which can often work ten times better than a shop bought one?
The reason so many of us do not create homemade remedies is down to a few things. Either we claim we have not got the time, or we think it will be too expensive and too much of a hassle. However, often it takes only a few minutes to create homemade products, and it is usually a lot cheaper too! So if you have never thought about creating your own homemade remedies for your dry, damaged hair, now maybe the time to start!
Some of the Best Homemade Remedies for Dry, Damaged Hair
There are homemade remedies for all hair types and dry hair is no different. Hair Masks are often the best things for dry, damaged hair as they help to lock in moisture and they also deeply moisturize the hair.
Homemade hair Masks
Another cause of dry hair could be due to your diet. In order to have healthy skin, hair and nails, you need plenty of good, fatty acids which you can get from foods such as oily fish including salmon and tuna, and flaxseed oil is also good. You can add flaxseed oil to your diet by adding two tablespoons a day to foods such as potatoes or even popcorn! Many people do not like the sound of flaxseed oil but it actually has a nutty, buttery flavor so most people do not actually mind it once they have tried it.
There are quite a few different homemade hair masks you can create, all with their own unique fragrance, so there should be one to suit you. The most nourishing one has to be the Olive Oil hair mask.
The Olive Oil hair mask is created by using 5 tablespoons of olive oil with two eggs. Mix them both together and apply them to the hair, wrapping the hair in a plastic wrap or a shower cap. Allow it to stand for 15 minutes before thoroughly rinsing it off.
If you want soft, shiny hair, a good homemade remedy to use is to mix chamomile flowers, comfrey root, elder flowers and nettle, with boiling water. It is best to use one tablespoon of the herbs and enough boiling water, then leave them to stand for half an hour. After it has been left to stand, add 1/4 cup cider vinegar and it them well.
Shampoo the hair as normal, and then pour the mixture you have created, over the hair repeatedly. The vinegar in the mixture helps to seal the hair cuticles. You can also create similar remedies for all different hair types; you just have to use different herbs.
Remedy For Really Damaged Hair
A good homemade remedy for really damaged hair includes mashing a ripe banana with a few drops of almond oil. Apply the mixture to the hair, massaging it in, and then rinse with soda water and shampoo and condition as usual. This adds a little extra protection and helps to seal the hair and prevent any breakage.
How to Beat Split, Damaged and Hair Which Falls Out
If your dry hair problem is quite severe, you may notice that parts of it are splitting and falling out. Many people find in this situation, Indian Gooseberry really helps. If you rub it into the scalp regularly it can produce excellent results and it really does help to stop the hair from falling out.
If you suffer from split hair, a good remedy includes oiling your hair twice a week with coconut oil mixed with fresh lime juice.
Overall, there are many different home remedies you can try and most of them do not take long to make. They are natural and so they are gentle on your hair, and your hair will really appreciate the lack of chemicals! If you are unsure of where to find homemade remedies for your dry, damaged hair, you should be able to find some books, or there are hundreds of remedies to be found online


Could Your Dry Damaged Hair Be Caused By Hard Water

Dry, damaged hair can be extremely annoying! The hair snaps easily, split ends are never ending and it can cause the hair to feel exactly like straw. There are several factors which contribute towards making the hair dry, and some of these things are environmental.
The Environmental Damage on Your Hair
There are a number of environmental factors which contribute to dry, damaged hair. These include natural sunlight, air pollution, and hard water. Many people do not realize that the water they are using to wash their hair is often filled with chemicals and chlorine. These chemicals can potentially dry out the hair and can even turn it a different color!
Sometimes hard water is to blame for how our shampoos and conditioners work. If you travel around, you will notice that the same shampoo and conditioner will work differently from place to place. This is because not everywhere has the same amount of hard water. Today it is thought that around 85% of American people are washing and bathing in hard water.
Hard water causes the hair to stand up and makes it harder to wash and it can make the hair tangled and rough. When the hair is tangled, the shampoo and conditioner is often not washed out effectively enough and so that can cause quite a few problems! If you wash in softer water you are no doubt going to have better results as the water does not leave any residue in the hair.
There are some special shampoos and conditioners for use in hard water areas which are designed to help protect the hair form drying our too much. These products are generally more expensive but they do work.
Chlorine is used in household water to effectively kill bacteria. It is thought that some households in America even have the same amount of chlorine in their water, as there is in a swimming pool. This is not good news for the hair and special precautions should be taken in order to protect it.
How to Treat Damage to the Hair Caused by Household Water
It is thought that rinsing the hair in rain water which has been filtered a few times through a coffee filter, is a good solution. Instead of using hard water, you are using natural water which has been filtered of all its chemicals.
Another remedy you could use is if you live in a place where the water is extremely hard, you could rinse the hair with either vinegar or lemon juice. Obviously lemon juice will smell better, but generally vinegar is very good for solving many hair problems.
As mentioned earlier, there are also specially designed shampoos and conditioners which can often be found on the Internet. These are unique and they really do help to get rid of any chemicals within the hair that cause it to become dry and damaged.
If you do not know whether you live in a hard water area or not, your water supplier should be able to provide you with any information you need. If you look online, you should also be able to find various maps which show the worst affected areas as well as the soft water areas. It really is worth finding out as the hard water could be causing your hair to be dry and damaged.
Other environmental factors which could be damaging the hair include modern appliances such as hairdryers, straighteners or curling tongs. It is always better to protect the hair using styling products before you actually do style it, in order to prevent the hair from becoming damaged.
Overall check to see whether hard water is a problem in your area and if it is start taking precautions now and you could help your hair to be soft and shiny once more


Do You Know the Main Causes of Dry, Damaged Hair?

If you have dry, damaged hair you may be wondering what actually caused it. Split ends, that horrible straw feeling, and hair that constantly snaps off every time that you brush it can really be a nightmare! How can you prevent it from happening again, if you do not know what caused it in the first place?
The Many Causes of Dry Hair
If you have recently developed dry, damaged hair there could be a wide number of reasons. You should know by now with all the warnings that electrical items such as straighteners, hair dryers and curling tongs, all dry out the hair if enough protection is not used. However, there other lesser known factors that can cause dry hair, so if you do use protection and yet you still have dry hair, there could be a number of reasons why.
Medical Conditions
Some people develop dry hair after suffering from various medical conditions. Eating disorders often have negative effects on the hair and people suffering from anorexia commonly have dry hair. This is because the hair does not get the nutrients that it needs from the food which we eat.
Malnutrition is again another cause of dry hair related to what we eat. Dry hair is often a sign that you are not getting enough omega 3 fatty acids into the body which is commonly found in fish such as salmon and tuna, and flaxseed oil.
Hypothyroidism is a condition where the body does not produce enough thyroid hormones, and this in turn can cause dry hair. Another condition which causes it includes Hypoparathyroidism which is where not enough parathyroid hormones are created and dry hair is often an early sign of the condition.
Environmental Conditions
The sun often causes the hair to become dry as there is not enough humidity and the heat really soaks in the essential oils on the scalp. People who love to swim a lot will also have various problems with their hair, as well as the winter weather. So always take care of your hair in all weathers, and try not to expose it to too much sun or chlorine in the water. The chlorine actually strips the hair of its essential oils and so a swimming cap is highly recommended every time you do want to swim.
Your Occupation
Not many people even consider that their job could be contributing towards their dry, damaged hair. Lifeguards in particular may have problems due to the constant exposure to the chlorine. Likewise, anybody who works outside in all weathers will have a problem too.
Over washing and Using Harsh Products
Many people make the mistake of over washing their hair. You would think that if you washed your hair daily, it would solve the dryness, but in fact it can make it worse. Over washing causes the hair to be stripped of its natural moisture which it needs, and that will cause the hair to become dry.
Using harsh products on the hair is also a bad thing to do. You may not even realize that the products you are using are harsh, however if you look on the back of the shampoo or conditioner, if you see alcohol listed in the ingredients, the product is too harsh for your hair.
Overall conditioner should be used whenever you wash your hair, and that should be roughly two to three times a week. Obviously if your job is causing your dry hair, there is not a lot you can do about it and you should simply try to protect it as much as possible by using a gentler shampoo.
Dry hair has so many causes that often it is hard to know what has brought it on in the first place. It is treatable though, and buying the right products for your hair type is one of the best things you can do to treat your dry hair.


The Main Differences Between Deodorant and Antiperspirant Deodorant

Sweat is a natural occurrence and it happens to every single person in the world. However, each person sweats different amounts each and every day, and the activities we participate in, help to determine exactly how much we will sweat.
For example, everyone is said to sweat at least a pint overnight whilst they are sleeping. Then throughout the day, if you do a lot of exercise and your job involves being on your feet a lot, you will no doubt be sweating quite a lot too.
Whilst others who have a sit down job and who are not as active will not sweat anywhere near as much. So this means that if you are doing more exercise, you will need a better deodorant than one designed for somebody who is not as active!
Overall, we have 2.6 million sweat glands in our entire body and both males and females have exactly the same amount. However, results show that women are better at taking the heat than men; therefore their deodorants are usually weaker than male ones. So how do you know which deodorant is right for you? What is the difference between an ordinary deodorant and an antiperspirant?
Deodorant versus Antiperspirant
A lot of people are uneducated about the difference between antiperspirants and ordinary deodorants. First of all an antiperspirant is mainly what you should use for under your arms. It helps to reduce the sweating by controlling the flow of the underarm sweat, and it also masks any body odor. Basically, the active ingredients which are contained in the antiperspirant dissolve the sweat on the skin surface, and it forms a gel which reduces the amount of sweat released.
Now, the ordinary deodorant acts as a body spray which uses a nice smelling fragrance to reduce the levels of bacteria. Unfortunately they do not stop you from sweating, and if you just use deodorant instead of antiperspirant, you will notice how quickly you will start to smell. When you do start smelling, deodorant will mask the smell but it will not get rid of the sweat itself so you will still end up with sweat patches.
However, whilst antiperspirants are definitely better at eliminating sweat, there have been some health concerns over the past few years. Some experts say that there are health risks with antiperspirants due to the aluminum compounds in it.
However, there have also been potential health risks found in ordinary deodorant due to the parabens which are found in them. In fact, some of the health risks they have been linked to shockingly include breast cancer, though critics argue that the studies were flawed so the results are not accurate.
So which one should you choose? Well, some healthcare experts say that although antiperspirant is great for eliminating sweat, clogging up the pores may not be the healthiest way to go about it. Therefore they recommend ordinary deodorants. However, it is entirely down to personal choice so if you do want to use an antiperspirant, it is entirely up to you.
Of course if you are still unsure you could bypass both options completely and look for more natural alternatives. If you do not sweat quite so much, it is recommended that you use baking soda under the arms. This helps many people though some cannot bear to use it. In natural stores you should find some deodorants, though they may not all be that natural so it is always better to check the label first!
Overall, it is entirely up to you which one you choose to use. Antiperspirants are by far the best choice though they are not always as perfumed as ordinary deodorants. It all depends upon how much you sweat so make a judgment based upon that. Whichever one you choose to go with, you should find a huge variety in your local drug store!


Ever Thought of Using Natural Deodorants? Well, Now Is Your Chance

Did you know that it is entirely possible to create your own natural deodorants? Creating your own deodorants cuts down costs, helps the environment and is a lot better for your skin!
Why Use Natural Deodorant?
Natural deodorant is definitely better for your skin than the ones which are laced with chemicals. They control the sweat naturally and do not clog up the pores like other deodorants can do.
They come in two different forms, either ones which you can eat to improve your own unique scent, or ones which are used externally to cover up the body odor. It is also possible that some natural deodorants actually work with your body odor to compliment the natural smell, rather than masking it. This usually occurs because it does not allow the offensive bacteria to grow.
How to Create Your Own Natural Deodorant
There are several ways in which you can make your own deodorant and some of them are extremely simple. If you want to first make sure that you smell nicer naturally, it may be worth looking into what your diet consists of. Junk food can often make our bodies smell quite bad, and if you tend to eat a lot of meat that can also cause your natural body odor to be quite strong.
Yogurt is supposed to be good for changing the bacteria within the body, and therefore it is a good food to eat when wanting to improve body odor.
Now, the ordinary deodorant acts as a body spray which uses a nice smelling fragrance to reduce the levels of bacteria. Unfortunately they do not stop you from sweating, and if you just use deodorant instead of antiperspirant, you will notice how quickly you will start to smell. When you do start smelling, deodorant will mask the smell but it will not get rid of the sweat itself so you will still end up with sweat patches.
The amount of alcohol you drink can also have a negative effect. So, take a look at what you are eating before you decide upon which natural deodorant you would like to create. That way you will have the best possible chance of creating something that will work really well. If you are really struggling, sage and peppermint are quite good natural deodorizes used in drinks. Sage should be used in tea, and a couple of drops of peppermint should be added to an ounce of water and drank every hour or so. Some other natural deodorizers include:
Witch Hazel. Used as an underarm splash
Borax Mixed With White Willow Bark. Acts as a deodorant wash for strong smelling sweat. It is better to also add a few drops of Patchouli also for best results
Chaparral. – You use this externally under the armpits as a natural deodorizer Orange and Lemon Peel. Blended together into a powder, these two make a really good, fruity underarm deodorizer.
Those are just a few low maintenance natural deodorizers you can create and use, however, if you have a little extra time to spare there are some really good natural deodorizers you can create including:
Unisex Lavender Body Powder
This Lavender Body Powder is great for both men and women, and men in particular seem to really like the scent on their body. All you need is 2oz of Lavender, PO and 2os of unscented talcum powder.
Simply mix the ingredients together and sift them through a fine sieve. Be sure that any large particles from the ingredients are discarded. That is basically all you need to do and if you want a more refreshing scent, half an ounce of lemon peel could easily be added.
Violet Body Powder
This natural deodorizing powder has a really light, pleasant scent and is mainly suited to women. To create it you will need 1oz of powdered Violet flowers, 4 drops of Violet oil, 2 drops of bitter Almond, 1oz of powdered Orris root and 2oz of unscented talcum powder.
To start simply add the Violet and the bitter Almond oil onto the Violet flowers in a container. Close the container and then shake to mix the ingredients together. Now add the Orris root and close the container and shake once more. Next add the talcum powder and mix the ingredients thoroughly before sifting them through a fine sieve. Store the mixture in an airtight container and simply use when needed.
Overall, it is quite simple to make your own deodorant once you have the ingredients that you need. It is not that expensive and your body will really thank you for it.
Natural deodorants work just as well, if not better than shop bought ones and you have the added benefit of knowing what is actually in them. So what are you waiting for? Try making your own deodorant today, you never know, you might like it!


2007 Short Hairstyles Revealed

Most hairstyles of recent years have involved very long and straight hair that is styled to lie flat against the woman's head and down their back. For a change, these long styles were worn pulled back into severe buns and messy ponytails. If you're ready for a change, you can opt for the most popular 2007 short hairstyle and enjoy a shorter, easier to manage look.
As celebrities make their way out for appearances this year, you'll note that many of the ladies are showing up with shorter, textured hair. Some will wear their hair in the casual look of Ellen Degeneres- an almost shaggy, all over tussled style that can be worn with any face shape. To get her look, you would need only to get your haircut to just past your ears, and have several layers added for maximum effect. You could wear your short hair in a side part, with bangs across just one side of your forehead- and they too are layered and look slightly shaggy!
Another popular 2007 short hairstyle is a variation of the ageless bob-cut. Instead of the smoothly worn bobs of recent years, the modern look will feature a messier placement of the hair. The ends of the bob- ending either just below the ear or just above the shoulder, can be styled to flip under, flip up- or as many celebrities will reveal, a combination of the two styles! Most bobs this year will not have the straight, classic appearance formerly known to the popular cut and instead will show off hair's natural waviness, or even loose curls that end at the neck in varying lengths.
The shorter hairstyles allow for hair with more volume and styles that allow you to quickly run your fingers through and head out to face the day. Many stylists recommend an every-other-day washing schedule, in order to take full advantage of the 2007 short hairstyle trend

Monday, March 26, 2007


Coping With Oily Hair

Scientists agree that there are many factors that influence overactive sebaceous glands (the oil glands on your scalp), but the most likely contenders for oily hair are hormones, poor diet and improper shampooing techniques.
A great many of us, it seems, are not actually shampooing our hair properly, and put that poor habit together with an unhealthy diet and hormonal imbalance, you get unattractive, limp, oily hair! Nobody wants to deal with this kind of problem, but it is nevertheless a widespread condition without a lot of understanding on the subject.
So how do you help yourself get rid of oily hair? It is relatively simple and straightforward: start a healthy diet, avoid undue stress and learn to shampoo more effectively.
Your diet has a lot to do with the overproduction of oil on your scalp. While you may be genetically or hormonally inclined to have oily hair, this does not mean that the right sort of foods and cannot help to control that tendency and leave you with a more manageable scalp.
The truth is that genetics and hormones are very often rendered inactive when met face to face with a nutritious diet and good hygiene. So what sorts of foods can help combat oily hair? It is about balance, overall: be sure to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, include high fibre options when available and to avoid hydrogenated fats, processed sugars and packaged foods.
High sugar and hydrogenated fat content throws the chemical balance of your body out of order and this can lead to oily skin and hair, pimples, and all sorts of skin conditions that are best avoided! When you are sure to eat well and keep these toxins out of your system, your scalp will eventually find a natural balance that is less oily that before.
Secondly, shampooing. How is it that so many of us are not doing this correctly? Does it not seem strange that such a simple thing as having a shower in the morning can go so fundamentally wrong? Well, the truth can hurt, but it is better to face the problem head on and learn to rid yourself of oily hair once and for all.
There are two factors at work in the issue of improper shampooing: length of shampoo and antibacterial properties. Many of us slap on the goo, rub it into the scalp and rinse it away, following immediately afterwards with a healthy handful of thick (and oily) conditioner.
The problem? You need to leave it on for up to five minutes to really dig down into scalp pores and cleanse away that excess oil! By leaving it on for only a few seconds, an awful lot of oil is left behind, and what is worse, that oil is added to by conditioners.
To truly beat oily hair, you will need to take serious shampooing action. Scientists recommend a clear shampoo, because it will leave behind less residue than other types. Scrub it into your scalp and leave on for five minutes, then rinse. Then, test your scalp to see if it is still sticky. If this is the case, shampoo again! It may even be useful to apply an astringent directly to your scalp after washing so that any oil causing bacteria is removed.
If you can help it, do not condition! This may not be a permanent condition, so once you have changed your diet and started washing your scalp completely, you may find that your oily hair problem is in fact quite normal. Once you have reached this state, congratulations! You may begin conditioning again.


What Causes Your Dry, Damaged Hair?

Dry, damaged hair is extremely common and is often caused by excessive use of modern technology including hairdryers, straighteners and curling tongs. Many people do no take into consideration the damage that excessive heat can cause to their hair, and so they continue abusing the hair on a daily basis.
It is understandable that these modern hair styling equipment are indispensable in this day and age, however there are ways to protect the hair before you use hair dryers and straighteners on your hair.
The True Cause of Dry and Damaged Hair
Hair is mainly made up of proteins which are hard fibrous types known as Keratin. The keratin in our hair can become damaged due to a number of different factors.
As well as hairdryers, straighteners and curling tongs, heat lamps and even sunbeds can also have a reaction on the hair, just like the sun can in summer. Other factors which affect dry and damaged hair include:
Your Diet
Another cause of dry hair could be due to your diet. In order to have healthy skin, hair and nails, you need plenty of good, fatty acids which you can get from foods such as oily fish including salmon and tuna, and flaxseed oil is also good. You can add flaxseed oil to your diet by adding two tablespoons a day to foods such as potatoes or even popcorn! Many people do not like the sound of flaxseed oil but it actually has a nutty, buttery flavor so most people do not actually mind it once they have tried it.
Although over washing your hair with heavy shampoo and conditioner can cause your hair to be oily, it can also cause your hair to become really dry too. Most people who have oily hair, have to wash it more frequently, whilst people who have dry hair should really only wash it a couple of times a week. This is because some shampoo can strip away essential oils which dry hair needs. It is always best to use a mild shampoo and to pay particular attention to the roots and the scalp.
Not Conditioning Enough
Conditioners can be a savior for dry and damaged hair, and in order to get the most out of your conditioner, it is better to towel dry your hair before you apply the conditioner. If your hair is particularly in bad condition, it is always best to leave conditioner on for at least 2 to 3 minutes. This helps to soak in as much moisture as possible before washing it off. Unlike with shampoo, with conditioner you really need to focus more of your attention onto the roots and ends of the hair.
If you want it to be even more effective, combing the conditioner through with a fine tooth comb will ensure that it is equally spread throughout the hair.
It is also possible to use mayonnaise instead of an ordinary conditioner, and with that you should leave it in anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. For best results, always wash the hair with cool or tepid water which will help to close the cuticles and lock in the moisture providing longer lasting results.
Treatments Available
As frustrating as dry, damaged hair can be, there are some treatments available to prevent and cure it. An example is if you constantly use hair dryers and other modern styling equipment, you can purchase products such as blow drying spray and hair styling shampoo and conditioner which helps to build up protective chemicals in the hair, before it is exposed to the heat.
Going to the hairdressers also helps and you should aim to have your hair trimmed every six weeks or so. This really does help to prevent and eliminate split ends, and it makes your hair look a lot healthier as it gets rid of the ends which are often the worst affected areas of the hair.
If you are somebody that likes to go swimming a lot, you may want to think about purchasing a swimming hat. The chlorine in the water can really damage your hair if it is excessively exposed to it. So either wearing a swimming hat, or shampooing your hair straight afterwards is essential for protecting the hair.
Overall, there are plenty of products including shampoo and conditioner, which can really help. However, the best way to eliminate dry and damaged hair is to prevent it in the first place. Be aware of how much heat you are exposing your hair to and buy the necessary protective products if needed.


Do You Know The Top Homemade Remedies to Beat Your Dry Damaged Hair?

When people have problems with their hair, they automatically look for shop bought hair care products, conditioners and treatments. However, did you know that there are some homemade remedies which you can easily create, which can often work ten times better than a shop bought one?
The reason so many of us do not create homemade remedies is down to a few things. Either we claim we have not got the time, or we think it will be too expensive and too much of a hassle. However, often it takes only a few minutes to create homemade products, and it is usually a lot cheaper too! So if you have never thought about creating your own homemade remedies for your dry, damaged hair, now maybe the time to start!
Some of the Best Homemade Remedies for Dry, Damaged Hair
There are homemade remedies for all hair types and dry hair is no different. Hair Masks are often the best things for dry, damaged hair as they help to lock in moisture and they also deeply moisturize the hair.
Homemade hair Masks
Another cause of dry hair could be due to your diet. In order to have healthy skin, hair and nails, you need plenty of good, fatty acids which you can get from foods such as oily fish including salmon and tuna, and flaxseed oil is also good. You can add flaxseed oil to your diet by adding two tablespoons a day to foods such as potatoes or even popcorn! Many people do not like the sound of flaxseed oil but it actually has a nutty, buttery flavor so most people do not actually mind it once they have tried it.
There are quite a few different homemade hair masks you can create, all with their own unique fragrance, so there should be one to suit you. The most nourishing one has to be the Olive Oil hair mask.
The Olive Oil hair mask is created by using 5 tablespoons of olive oil with two eggs. Mix them both together and apply them to the hair, wrapping the hair in a plastic wrap or a shower cap. Allow it to stand for 15 minutes before thoroughly rinsing it off.
If you want soft, shiny hair, a good homemade remedy to use is to mix chamomile flowers, comfrey root, elder flowers and nettle, with boiling water. It is best to use one tablespoon of the herbs and enough boiling water, then leave them to stand for half an hour. After it has been left to stand, add 1/4 cup cider vinegar and it them well.
Shampoo the hair as normal, and then pour the mixture you have created, over the hair repeatedly. The vinegar in the mixture helps to seal the hair cuticles. You can also create similar remedies for all different hair types; you just have to use different herbs.
Remedy For Really Damaged Hair
A good homemade remedy for really damaged hair includes mashing a ripe banana with a few drops of almond oil. Apply the mixture to the hair, massaging it in, and then rinse with soda water and shampoo and condition as usual. This adds a little extra protection and helps to seal the hair and prevent any breakage.
How to Beat Split, Damaged and Hair Which Falls Out
If your dry hair problem is quite severe, you may notice that parts of it are splitting and falling out. Many people find in this situation, Indian Gooseberry really helps. If you rub it into the scalp regularly it can produce excellent results and it really does help to stop the hair from falling out.
If you suffer from split hair, a good remedy includes oiling your hair twice a week with coconut oil mixed with fresh lime juice.
Overall, there are many different home remedies you can try and most of them do not take long to make. They are natural and so they are gentle on your hair, and your hair will really appreciate the lack of chemicals! If you are unsure of where to find homemade remedies for your dry, damaged hair, you should be able to find some books, or there are hundreds of remedies to be found online.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Sedu Hairstyles - Getting The Look You Want

Sedu hairstyles are very popular and the sedu hair iron can help you to achieve them. Suitable for all types of hair, the sedu hair straightener can help you to have celebrity hair every day of the year.
When it comes to hair and hair styles we all have an image of what we would like our hair to look like. Sedu hairstyles are fast becoming the most popular hairstyles in the fashion world today. Mostly due to the publicity the sedu hairstyles have received from celebrities the sedu hair iron is set to revolutionize the hair styling industry.
You hairstyle whether it's short, medium, or long can help to enhance your facial features and represent your mood. With the sedu hair straightener you can achieve your desired look no matter what length your hair is. The sedu hair iron can be purchased with a variety of ironing plates designed to suit all hair types, from fine limp hair, to thick course hair the sedu hair iron can tackle all. What's more the ceramic plates on the sedu hair straightener are designed not to pull or break your hair and with their negative ionic feature they help to seal in your hairs natural moisture, leaving your hair not only looking but feeling softer and smoother too.
In today's society more and more people are searching for ways to handle their stubborn curls, frizz, and uncontrollable hair, and with the launch of the sedu hair straightener it seems that many have found their dream appliance. The sedu hair iron straightens, smoothes, and tames uncontrollable rebellious hair and provides not only great sedu hairstyles but long lasting results as well.
Sedu hairstyles can be used daily whether it's for the office or nights out there are different sedu hairstyles that can be worn for all occasions. For the Jennifer Anistion sedu hairstyles or the Jennifer Lopez sedu hairstyles all you need is your own sedu hair iron. Using your sedu hair straightener you can create flip ins and flip outs that will add an extra touch of style, and because the sedu hair straightener takes less time that most conventional ceramic straighteners you can have sedu hairstyles that won't take forever to do.
In order to achieve perfect sedu hairstyles every time it is important to note that a conditioning shampoo must be used before hand. You must also dry your hair well and add a good conditioning styling tonic to assist in straightening. If you do this, then you are sure to have unique and celebrity sedu hairstyles every day. Remember the sedu hair straightener is designed to be easy and pleasant to use so no matter what your hair type there are sedu hairstyles just for you.


Tips in Selecting a Qualified Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgery is becoming increasingly common among more men and women each year. Selecting a qualified plastic surgeon should be done in the exact same manner a surgeon would handle medical instruments: very carefully.
“One of the worst things a cosmetic surgery patient can do is select a plastic surgeon who lacks the knowledge or experience to provide the results the patient is looking for,” says Dr. Mack Sullivan, a board certified plastic surgeon from The Centre, P.C. in Elkhart, Indiana.
With advances in plastic surgery techniques and the increased demand for cosmetic surgery, it is important to know how to identify highly skilled and highly qualified plastic surgeons. The most important factor in the surgery’s success is the surgeon you choose. Some suggestions for making an informed decision include:
§ Find references. Consult some friends who’ve had a comparable procedure. Evaluate their experience with the surgeon. Each patient is unique. Likewise, each surgery is unique and results cannot be generalized. For a medical opinion, ask your family physician to recommend one or more qualified plastic surgeons. Calling a respected hospital in your community could not only give you additional names, but assure you that even if the surgeon has their own surgical facility, he or she maintains privileges at that specific hospital.
§ Do some homework. After gathering a list of plastic surgeons, begin to check their credentials. The physicians recommended to you might all be plastic surgeons, but knowing which certifications are more rigorous for a surgeon to attain could narrow your selection to include names of only the highest qualified. Although a physician’s academic schooling is important, in your research it is more important to look for the type of training they received. If the surgeon has completed an accredited residency program in plastic surgery, then the surgeon received two or three years of intensive training in the full spectrum of both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.
§ Board certification. A plastic surgeon can obtain board certification from a number of medical societies. It is imperative to know which board certifying societies to look for. A board certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) is the most prestigious certification a plastic surgeon can achieve. To be eligible for certification by the ABPS, plastic surgeons not only need to graduate from an accredited medical school but complete at least five years of additional residency. To be certified, a physician must also practice plastic surgery for two years and pass comprehensive written and oral exams. Obtaining certification through some alternative boards may only require a monetary fee.
§ During the consultation. Bring any prewritten questions you may have regarding the procedure to your consultation. Discuss any pros or cons with the surgeon and prior successes and obstacles they experienced as a result of the surgery. Ask the doctor about his or her capabilities performing the procedure. Look through Befores and Afters with the surgeon during your consultation. Do not feel uncomfortable to verbally ask the surgeon of their qualifications and training as a plastic surgeon. You should get to know your plastic surgeon.


Regretting Your Perm, And Don't Want To Wait For It To Grow Out? Learn How To Remove It Yourself

Erase the perm: Have you ever had a perm that you absolutely regretted? Well guess what it can be removed without any trace of it ever being there. The best part is you can fix it yourself and do it in less than the time it took to do the perm the first time. You see the main ingredient in most perms is ammonium thioglycolate. This is the stuff that is squirted onto the perm rods. During the perm process this chemical actually breaks the disulfide bonds (these are the bonds that control the shape of your hair) in your hair and they lose their natural form and reshape themselves to the perm rods, which is how you end up with a curl, then the neutralizer stabilizes the shape and makes it permanent, hence a perm.
So here is how you remove your unwanted perm. You simply saturate your hair with a perm solution with the same main ingredient as your original perm (like I said before it is usually thio) You are now applying it to your hair without any perm rods and simply combing it through, (keep coming it for approx 15 min or according to the manufacturers directions).
Now you are doing just the opposite as what your original perm did, you are breaking the bonds again but now you are reshaping them and making them straight. Follow with the neutralizer to stabilize the bonds, follow the rest of the manufactures directions for steps such as how long to let the neutralizer sit and to rinse out, and guess what you just got your straight hair back.
NOTE: this will only remove a perm; it will not remove natural curl.


Liposuction Surgery Costs - Worth the Fee?

Liposuction surgery costs are not covered by health insurance because it is considered a cosmetic surgery. Is this popular procedure worth the money?
Liposuction surgery costs have remained steady at about $2,700 in the last couple of years. Costs are based on 2005 and 2004 data supplied by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). This information is for the average price for liposuction as surveyed by this organization. Something to note, is that information was broken out for the first time for the ultrasound assisted liposuction versus the suction assisted. The difference is almost $300, making the ultrasound assisted procedure more expensive.
It may seem like "everyone is having it done" but not everyone has this type of money to put on the table. If you are considering liposuction make sure to include a thorough analysis of what the procedure will cost and how you are going to pay for it.
Questions to Ask Before You Choose a Surgeon:
1) What exactly am I having done?
Liposuction surgery costs highly depend on the specifics of what is being done. These specifics include:
number of areas treated
amount of fat to be removed from the areas
part of the body that is being treated
amount of fat that is to be removed during the surgery
sex of the individual male versus female
duration of procedures (which can be driven by all the above factors)
2) Does your surgeon have a liposuction price list (as seen above with ultrasound assisted liposuction procedures, liposuction surgery costs can vary)?
" How much does liposuction cost?" is one of the most frequently asked questions during the exploration process for most prospective patients, if your surgeon doesn't have this information readily available you should be a little wary.
3) Are the prices reasonable or do they seem way off of the averages provided by organizations like the ASAPS?
Keep in mind that liposuction surgery costs also can depend on the individual doctor that you are being treated by. This is why it is important to research many doctors before deciding on one. You should not limit yourself geographically if the price savings is worth it and the surgeon has a good reputation. The ASAPS notes that their average liposuction price is a national average, so geographical differences will occur. The liposuction fee can also vary by facility. Where the procedure is performed can be important, procedures can take place in a hospital, freestanding surgicenters and office-based. Bottom line, your choice of individual doctor plays a large role in determining liposuction surgery costs.
4) What is included in the price?
The liposuction fee may not not include other surgical costs such as anesthesia and follow up costs like prescription drugs. Other patient charges that the doctor may include are for the compression garment that is worn after the surgery, antibiotics that might be prescribed, and for blood tests that need to be done.
In conclusion you can see that how much your liposuction surgery costs depend on how much research you do before picking your surgeon. Some doctors may give you a discount if the liposuction is being performed on more than one body part. Due to the high demand for cosmetic procedures, there are many ways that you can pay for liposuction surgery costs. You should ask your doctor if he has a payment plan. You should also look into financing your liposuction surgery costs. There are many resources to help with your decision, make sure you consider them before just plopping the cost onto your credit card where the interest rates might not be as competitive.


Getting Rid of Dark Circles

Sometimes for reasons that are completely out of your control, like having a job that requires late nights or an unavoidable need to party until the crack of dawn but when the dark circles make you look like a deranged badger then its time to take emergency measures. Unfortunately there’s no effective way to get rid of them unless you peel off your skin. But here are some remedies you can try.
You can put raw potato or cucumber slices on your eyes. This is probably the most popular remedy, one your mom undoubtedly recommends although it’s enough you don’t ask when or why she would ever need it. Unfortunately the cooling effect of the cucumber doesn’t work fast enough to get rid of the dark circles in time for a date. In which case you can try some concealers at your local department store.
You should test the best colors before you buy any concealers. Choose one that’s a shade lighter than your foundation. If your circles are dark enough to look like your wearing a mask, go 2 shades lighter. Some of great concealers are Revlon New Complexion Concealers, Estee Lauder Smoothing Skin Concealer and Neutrogena Smoothing Skin Stick.
Now these are all after the fact that you have these hideous dark circles but the adage that an ounce of prevention is better than the cure is particularly apt in this case. If you really want to prevent puffy eyes and circle under the eyes then sleep well. Its that simple. There is no substitute for getting a good night’s sleep. You should also avoid getting stoned drunk every night. Or keep drinking water the whole night if you are out late. Drinking a lot of water can help prevent the dark circles.


Natural Moisturizers – Protecting Your Skin And Choosing A Product With The Best Hydrating Abilities

With so many moisturizers, creams and lotions to choose from, ranging from the various natural options that have recently hit the market to the older and more familiar choices that have been around for years, making the right choice can be dizzying. How can you make the right choice? Here is some information that will, hopefully, serve to guide you through the maze of seemingly endless choices and options and confusing ingredients, and guide to you to make the right choice for you and your skin type.
Firstly, let’s clarify the purpose of a moisturizer. All moisturizers, to some extent, serve to provide a barrier preventing moisture loss from the skin. Good moisturizers will also serve the purpose of delivering a hydrating effect to the skin, replenishing or encouraging the skin’s natural oil balance. When skin is healthy, its protective outer layer (which is composed largely of lipids) keeps moisture in and harmful elements, such as bacteria and other “bad” stuff, out. But when this layer is damaged, moisture escapes, which can result in irritated, dry or flaky skin. This is when a good moisturizer can be exceptionally helpful.
When choosing a moisturizer, it is important to choose one that is free of synthetic preservatives, fragrances and dyes. Many companies, even those that tout themselves as providing an all-natural line, use ingredients that have been linked to skin irritation and dryness, as well as various skin diseases such as cancer. Therefore, it is important to learn which ingredients are potentially harmful and can actually contribute to and cause the skin problems you are trying to avoid. There are many ingredients that I would suggest avoiding (if at all possible), but let’s take a look at three.
Petrolatum: This ingredient, also known petroleum jelly, is a common ingredient in moisturizers and lip balms. Often used because it is incredibly inexpensive, petroleum jelly has no nutrient value and can actually interfere with the body’s own natural moisturizing abilities. Use of petroleum jelly, ironically, often leads to chapping and drying (ever had the experience of using lip balms incessantly? when it seems that, no sooner than you have used your lip balm, you are reaching for it again? That’s the petroleum jelly at work).
Parabens: Parabens are commonly used in skin care products for their preservative properties. It is important for creams and lotions to have a preservative because any product containing water is vulnerable to bacterial infection. But methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl paraben have all been linked with allergic reactions, skin rashes and various other skin problems and diseases, and many of the research studies are pointing more and more to its toxic nature. In addition, studies also have shown that the parabens are weakly estrogenic and therefore can disrupt your body’s proper hormonal functioning.
Synthetic Fragrances: The FDA not regulate any ingredient labeled “fragrance” in skin care products. Basically this means that companies can call any chemical they use scent a product as “fragrance.” The synthetic fragrances used in cosmetics can have as many as 200 ingredients and there is absolutely no way to know what the chemicals are. Some problems caused by these chemicals include skin irritation, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, rash, changes in skin coloration, violent coughing. Unfortunately the only way to protect yourself is to only buy from companies that provide a detailed list of each ingredient in each product, and avoid those companies that simply use the word “fragrance.”
As a whole, I’d suggest avoiding moisturizers that use any of these three ingredients, and to choose companies that include ingredients that you can pronounce and sound familiar. In addition, it is really helpful to pay close attention to how “your body feels” when you use certain products. We all have different constitutions, sensitivities, allergic reactions as well as individual preferences. Often, your body will provide information as to whether the product is working for you, so I recommend that you test your skin and body’s compatibility with all skin care and cosmetic products and suggest that you experiment with various products to determine which positively affect your mood and body.


Choose Wisely From Among Cheap Perfumes

Fragrance can do much to complement a beautiful outfit – whether casual or formal. A signature scent adds another layer to your look and helps define your style – clean and natural, sophisticated and elegant, edgy and creative; the type of fragrance that you choose to wear says a lot about you and is very reflective of your overall personality. And while some may think that it's necessary to choose a high-priced perfume in order to get the scent they want, it is not always the case. There are a variety of cheap perfumes on the market today - some of which can give you all that you desire at a fraction of the price of high-end, retail priced fragrances.
There are a number of classifications associated with cheap perfumes. In some cases, less expensive fragrances refer to those scents that are modeled after designer fragrance. It's like buying a piece of clothing that you may have seen on the red carpet and costs thousands of dollars – in a retail store where it's being mass produced and sold inexpensively. If you are in love with a designer fragrance that is just too cost-prohibitive for you to purchase, you may want to check out these lines of fragrance. They can most often be found in perfume shops and department stores.
Other cheap perfumes refer to the actual designer fragrance that is sold at a less expensive price. Some discount perfume stores will offer designer fragrance at a fraction of the price you would find it for at full retail value. And as wide a selection as these stores may have, you are likely to find an even wider selection in a variety of online resources. Buy wisely when it comes to online purchases however; you need to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable vendor who will give you exactly what you expect rather than a knock-off product. You may also be able to find a number of designer perfumes – at much cheaper prices – in duty-free shops along borders and in airports. Next time you take a trip, take a couple of extra minutes and do some shopping for your favorite fragrance.
Another reference to cheap perfumes is the lower quality fragrances that can be found for very affordable prices in drugstores and cosmetic stores. If you find a particular fragrance that appeals to you then by all means, buy it! Just know that the cheaper fragrances tend to wear off relatively quickly so you may need to reapply more often.
Fragrance can add a whole new level to your personal style; and finding that style often does not require a large financial commitment. Start off by finding the scent that most appeals to you. If it is a designer fragrance that you find to be cost-prohibitive, then search other retail outlets to find it at more affordable prices if available.
Ultimately, it does not make sense to sacrifice quality for price. There's nothing wrong with less cheap perfumes if they work for you. But if the fragrance is low price and low quality – resulting in a less than desirable scent – it may not be worth the price you do wind up paying.


Enhance Your Eyes with Eye Powder using Wet Dry Techniques

The eye powder you choose can make or break your facial appearance. With many gorgeous colors that define who you are and the look you're trying to create, eye powder is one of the most important make-up applications you'll make.
Whether your goal is to dazzle your friends at a party, dress up for a model portfolio, or romanticize your eyes for a date, your choices of eye powder will make the difference.
Two Types of Eye Powder Applications
There are basically two ways you can apply your eye powder - wet or dry. With a wet application, you can use the eye powder as your main eye shadow and create a somewhat “shiny” look that attracts attention to the eyes immediately. The eye powder will have a shimmering appearance that glistens under the lights. You can even blend several colors of eye powders to get the look and feel you want.
To apply "wet" eye powder, use a wet/dry application brush. Dip the brush in water and then dip it into the desired eye powder. Always, dip into the darker shade first and then blend with lighter shades to reach desired color. Apply the eye powder and blend it with a different wet or dry brush to get the look you want.
Using dry eye powder also enables you to enhance your eye shadow with unique colors. First apply your normal eye shadow. Then apply a lighter shade of eye powder over it to blend colors and enhance your eye make-up. You can use like colors for a more conventional look or contrasting eye powder colors for the "shock" affect!
To try other looks with your eye powder, experiment with different size brushes, sponges and foam pads, or cloths. There are also cream-based eye shadows. Use what works best for you. If your eyes are very sensitive and tend to get watery or break out in a rash, try hypoallergenic eye powder.
Complement Your Eye Powder
Once you find the eye powder that best suits you, complement it with eyeliner and mascara. Also, test various colors of lipstick and lip liner to complete your make-up. Use glitter dusts to highlight certain areas of your eyes.
Choose colors that work for you. What looks great on your friend might look terrible when you try it. Eye powder colors should be compared with your skin tone, skin moisture level, hair color, the shape of your face, and eye color. Coordinate your best colors with your outfit.
Using wet/dry techniques to get the eye powder look you want is easy. Practice a little at home and try out some new colors before your next big event. Your eyes will shine like the stars!


Vitamin C Home Facial Kit Essentials

Vitamin C and the skin
Studies have demonstrated that antioxidant Vitamin C facial is the best way to “undo” skin damage caused by free radicals in the environment. These free radicals are stimulated by ultraviolet light and also occur naturally in the atmosphere.
When Vitamin C is infused into the skin, you will experience firmer skin and elasticity. At the same time, age spots may commence to fade and no longer be a problem. So Vitamin C is a critical ingredient to a beautiful and healthy facial
A typical Vitamin C Infusion Facial Kit includes:Treatment Powders Treatment Gels
Cellular Replenishing Serum by necessity should have
• Glycolipids to retain vital skin moisture
• Hyaluronic Acid and Lecithin to protect skin’s barrier function
• Chamomile and Arnica are skin restoratives
Vitamin C Treatment Gel incorporates Glycerin, Glyceryl Polymethacrylate, Cyanocobalamin, Retinyl Palmitate, Beta-Carotene, Ranunculus Ficaria Extract, Rice Amino Acids, Lysine Lauroyl Methionate, Zinc Aspartate Pure Vitamin C Powder and Treatment Gel
•Vitamin C infuses antioxidant protection to protect against free radical damage
• Retinyl Palmitate encourages rapid cell renewal.
• Glycerin and Beta Carotene condition the skin.
Cellular Replenishing Serum is needed to boost cellular moisture.
• Glycolipids help skin to retain moisture
• Hyaluronic Acid and Lecithin protect the skin’s barrier function
• Chamomile and Arnica soothe and restore suppleness
Vitamin C Infusion Treatment Powder ingredients will include Ascorbic Acid, Tapioca Starch
Vitamin C Infusion Treatment Gel requires Glycerin, Glyceryl Polymethacrylate, Cyanocobalamin, Retinyl Palmitate, Beta-Carotene, Ranunculus Ficaria Extract, Rice Amino Acids, Lysine Lauroyl Methionate, Zinc Aspartate, Chitosan Ascorbate
Cellular Replenishing Serum requires Water (Aqua), Glycerin, Methyl Gluceth-20, Glycolipids, Hyaluronic Acid, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract, Lecithin, Tocopherol, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Algae Extract, Palmitoyl Hydroxypropyltrimonium Amylopectin/Glycerin Crosspolymer, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Extract, Yeast Extract, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Camellia Oleifera Leaf Extract, Malva Sylvestris (Mallow) Extract, Hedera Helix (Ivy) Extract, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Sambucus Nigra Flower Extract, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Parietaria Officinalis Extract, PEG-12 Dimethicone, Propylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Tetrasodium EDTA, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Blue 1 (CI 42090), Yellow 6 (CI 15985)
How To Use Cleanse face and neck, then dry. Pour contents of Vitamin C Treatment Gel and Treatment Powder into bowl.. Stir until mixture is smooth. Apply mixture to face and neck. Make sure not to get any in your eyes.
Massage into skin for 1 minute.. Leave on face and skin for ten minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry. These are the ingredients and steps for any preferred Vitamin C Home Facial Kit.


5 Foods For Beautiful Skin!

We all know that foods have healing properties and very therapeutic effects. If you want healthy skin, it is important for you to have a healthy diet- a diet, which contains adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Balance is the key word. No single diet is responsible for building up or maintaining the skin- so fad diets, which over-emphasize one food in preference to others can actually deprive you of essential nutrients and so may even harm your body and skin.
There are a lot of myths about the effect of certain foods on your skin. For the most part they are false. It is false for instance; that eating chocolates, sweets or rich cakes will give you spots. It is also false that eating greasy, fried foods will give you a greasy skin or make your hair greasy. Although eating very greasy food have almost little or no benefit for the body in any form. There is no ironclad guarantee, that if you fill yourself with cucumbers, grapes, carrot juice or lettuce you will acquire a beautiful, flawless complexion. There are extraordinary claims, suggesting, for example, that salads will dramatically change your appearance and to develop a perfect skin you must take vitamin and mineral supplements exclusively.
In my personal experience there is no one way or answer to good skin. To have beautiful skin there must be a menagerie of factors involved. You must take care of your health from the inside out!
Just as foods are important to healthy vibrant skin, it is equally important to remember, that the single most important factor in determining the beauty of your complexion is heredity. That being said then one would embark on a healthy lifestyle that includes, rest, healthy food, exercise, water, good sleep, high quality vitamins and supplements. It would be great to get a leg up on what foods have some of the highest benefit for your skin. Here is a list of 5 easy foods that you can purchase from your local supermarket and begin your path to healthy skin:
Asparagus – Because of the extreme high alkaline content- it helps to balance the ph levels of the skin.
Coconut oil- lubricates the joint and skin and helps to have a healing effect on the body.
Avocado—Keeps the skin young and supple, it moisturizes from the inside out.
Mango—because of the high enzyme content it helps to increase circulation and clear the skin.
Raw Organic Honey—The moisturizing properties of this applied topically as a mask help to keep the skin clean and soft.


Beauty - Truth, Secrets and Illusion

Back in the late 1960s a 'Motown' group named the 'Temptations' sang a song that included a lyric 'beauty's only skin deep, yeah, yeah, yeah'. And, not much later another recording artist, Joe Cocker sang 'You Are So Beautiful'. And, going back even further, the 'Mona Lisa' and 'Venus de Milo' provide further evidence of mankind's infatuation with beauty.
Even literature reminded us that 'A Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy Forever' and 'Beauty Is In The Eye Of Its Beholder '. So, when confronted with such immortalized images, lyrics, and prose, along with the present day marketing blitz of 'super models' and makeover products filled with 'secret' ingredients, one can only think, 'this beauty thing is serious stuff'.
It certainly goes a long way in explaining why possessing beauty and being beautiful is one of the foremost preoccupations of human beings. Over the years, consumerism has transformed such preoccupations into outright obsession. Few would deny that beauty is power. It was true centuries ago, and, it's just as true today. The perception of perfect beauty however, is neither objective nor real, and is therefore nothing more than an illusion. But, if you can feel good about yourself by enhancing your looks, then go for it. You may indeed find more joy in your life by doing so.
The truth is, 'Inner' beauty may no longer be the 'in' thing, but 'skin-deep' beauty certainly is! And, it's really not that difficult to achieve. It's no secret that the media is filled with beauty tips and an infinite number of beauty products, but the best place to begin any makeover regime are first of all, to get sufficient rest, exercise, proper nutrition and a good 'sun screen'. Discipline in those areas will yield far more satisfying and longer-lasting results than 'secret formulas' and cosmetics alone.
Harry Monell maintains several affiliate and content websites. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Old Dominion University. Following formal retirement in 2000, he spent five years working as a special projects consultant and now spends time with what he considers his most challenging, yet most rewarding endeavor - developing his writing skills.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Men's Hairs Care - Bushie, Trim, Baldy Eagle Or Clean Shaved Elephant

No. I am not talking about men’s hairs that grow on your head nor talking about hairs loss treatment. I am talking about hairs that grow in your most private part.
Grin! You read it right. Those little crinkle cutie bushie-bushie hairs on your crotch department. It is time to take care of them like most metrosexuals do. It has become a fashion nowadays and you can’t simply ignore it as a part of your grooming ritual.
Pubic hairs shaving trend was apparently triggered by those guys in porn industries to show off their more meaty-me by get rid of hairs, later on it has become an option for men’s hair grooming must-do, either for trend or just for body hygiene purpose.
Okay. You’ve decided to give it a try, but it is advisable that you understand some common hair shaving jargons before you step into the men’s hairs shaving beauty parlor to prevent unwanted embarrassment.
Going Natural - Bushie or Full Bush You do nothing to your pubic hairs and let them grow as they are. Full hairs still perceive as a mark of virile man and draw women crazy with their pheromone. But now, modern women tend to switch their taste to cleaner guys who have clean smell.
Trim. You only trim off some unwanted hairs and leave them about 1 inch long. The fun part is you may do some experiment like make a small patch on top of your base for instance.
Baldy Eagle Shave all your ball hairs but leave the hair below your navel and penis untouched. You will have a smooth ball sack for your sweet heart to cuddle.
Clean Shave Elephant. You completely shave off hairs from your ball, penis, above your navel and your -----Now stand in front of mirror. What do you see below? Ahhh!!! My gosh! An Elephant with trunk hanging low is staring back at me.
Now where to go to do this mission? I said earlier that you may go to men’s hairs shaving beauty parlor, but unfortunately, to my knowledge there is no kind of places like that (No yet) I made it up as a part of joke. I do apologize. The most convenient place to accomplish this task is by self-service at your own room.
As to method of shaving; there are manual shaving tools and products you may choose from, such as razor, razor blade, electric safety razor or rotary epilator then self-service yourself or ask your partner for help. Don’t forget to put aftershave afterwards to prevent itchy.


Picking The Right Facial Hair Removal Method

It is common in most societies to remove facial hair. This is usually done to look younger, attractive and remove unwanted hair.
Men : Men routinely shave to remove beard and moustache. Daily shaving renders the skin rough and the thickness of hair also increases with age. Facial hair removal for men is a complicated and stressful procedure due to the above mentioned reasons. Multiple sessions are required for facial hair removal and face being a sensitive area special hair removal methods have to be employed.
Women : Women with facial hair find it difficult due to social norms. Some women get facial hair due to heredity and abnormally high hormone levels. Electrolysis, plucking, bleaching, trimming are the commonly employed methods for hair removal or discoloring. Removing facial hair permanently is very difficult however with modern methods the hair growth can be reduced to large extent. Laser hair removal is the commonly employed method for facial hair removal.
Following are the methods usually practiced for facial hair removal:
Laser facial hair removal : Laser hair removal procedure is a great option for people with light colored skin and having dark hair. Laser treatment can make color of the hair lighter and the texture after few treatments.
Electrolysis facial hair removal : Electrolysis facial hair removal method employs a thin metal probe which is inserted into the hair follicle (in the hair root) and electricity is passed through the probe. The electricity causes permanent damage to the follicle or hair root, due to which hair growth stops. This method is slightly expensive and a little bit painful. However it is a safe method providing good long-term results for facial hair removal.
Intense pulsed lamps or flash lamp : This method gives good and long term results for facial hair removal. In this method specific wavelengths (the full spectrum including infrared) of light are generated in a flash lamp and are transferred to the hair follicle or root of the hair to cause permanent damage to the chromophores. The damage stops hair growth.


Avoid Sun and Tan Safely

A review of the most popular sunless tanning solutions will show a wide range in results and efficiency of the different methods. A sunless tanning option can be pretty expensive depending on which method you find most convenient and effective for you. A prompt explanation of sunless tanning is the process of attaining a suntan by not using the sun. A quick and even application of a tanning lotion can usually produce a flawless golden tan for a short duration. Comparison of sunless and sun tanning methods show that both affect the outward layers of your skin.
An introduction to sunless tanning lotions tells us that most of them contain protective moisturizers to save the skin from damage. The comparing of costs for the sunless tanning methods differs drastically, with a couple bucks for lotions to hundreds of dollars for tanning bed time. With the body rage sunless tanning airbrush system becoming so popular; it is rare that you will hear someone saying they are going to go lie in a tanning bed. Applying body sunless tanning lotions may be more complex than you think when all the factors are looked at for the results to come out adequately.
By using sunless tanning methods, you avoid excess UV ray exposure to reach the same level of tan you would like to have. Applying body tanning lotions are most dependable when the products contain dihydroxyacetone as the current ingredient. A quick reason why sunless tanning is popular is because most people cannot afford to take a vacation every month to somewhere sunny if they don't have the sun already at home. When using circular motion and/or vertical and horizontal strokes, you will decrease the chance of streaks in your tan. A review of how long an average tanning lotion works is somewhere in the range of five to seven days from initial application.
A sunless tanning lotion that has been freshly developed does not have the bronzing agent and makes less streaky tans. Comparison of the convenience of all the sunless tanning methods would have to show that taking pills would be the easiest method. An initiation to sunless tanning lotion would tell you that most of them contain a chemical extracted from sugar cane which stains the skins surface and naturally fades as skin cells by nature shed. With the use of some tanning lotions you will be able to avoid some of the skin damages that can be caused by obtaining a tan in the sun. By using sunless tanning lotions, the time it takes to improve your tan might be greatly reduced. Applying body lotions before using a sunless tanning method may actually cause your tan to be streaky or not take in some areas.


Spring 2007 Beauty Makeover

This Spring, hair gets shorter as clothes become lighter. The look is short, yet undone in a subtle way. There's nothing prim or boring about this Spring's hair styles. Funky is in. Short, funky but very flattering.
The most important thing you can do to change your look this spring is to change your hairstyle. Models with staying power do it all the time. In an industry which is constantly looking for fresh, new faces, veteran models stay fresh by changing their hair color and hair style, thus reemerging as the new IT girl.
Likewise, you can turn heads this spring by simply changing your hair color and going for a flattering cut. This time around, the bob with bangs is hot. The bob is a classic for a reason. It is very flattering. When you change in look, be prepared to invest in a great cut. Go for a stylist you can trust. There are so many variations of the bob. Get your stylist's advice as to which suits you best, given your hair texture and facial shape.
To avoid ending up with a cut that you really hate, bring along magazine that feature models with the haircut you want. Bear in mind what looks great on the model might not look as good on you due to different features, facial shape and hair type, so be flexible. If the stylist advises against it, take your stylist's advice. If in doubt, seek a second opinion.
If you don't like short hair, it is still cool to wear your hair long. You can change your look with highlights, or by changing your hair color altogether. Get your hair trimmed to soften the edges.
Whether you prefer long hair or short hair, the surest way to change your image is to change your hair color. A drastic change in hair color can make you look like a different person altogether. To complete the look, change your wardrobe to suit your new hairstyle and hair color. For your spring wardrobe, pick colors that go with you new hair color as well.
In a makeover like that, make sure you pick the right hair color for you as that is the basis of your makeover.
That done, change your makeup palette to go with your hairstyle and hair color. Going goth, a darker, more somber makeup palette is in order. Going for the girl next door look? Prettier colors and pastels would be perfect. The sultry siren demands red lipstick and smoky eyes. Make sure the makeup you pick is in line with your new image.

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